China is the world's third biggest exporter on a gross basis, but in fact much of that reflects its position at the end of an assembly line throughout asia. 以出口总额计算,中国是世界第三大出口国。但事实上,这很大程度上反映出,在遍及亚洲的装配线上,中国处于末端的位置。
To improve the accuracy of the position and orientation of the robotic end tool, a robot-aided aircraft assembly drilling system is constructed based on laser tracker closed-loop feedback. 本文首先论述应用激光跟踪仪建立系统中关键坐标系的方法,并分析了机器人制孔过程中残留误差的构成因素。
The decision to go to the polls more than a month before legally required appeared intended to secure Mr Aso's position in the face of a revolt by party colleagues who blame him for a disastrous defeat in the Tokyo municipal assembly election on Sunday. 决定较法律规定提前一个多月举行大选,似乎意在帮助麻生保住职位。麻生正遭到党内同僚的强烈反对,他们指责麻生应为上周日东京都议会选举惨败负责。
Suitable position of stabilizer at bottom hole assembly fitting an off-balance bit 偏心钻头底部钻具组合稳定器的适宜安放位置研究
The pose matrix was used to represent the position and gesture of parts in 3D assembly environment. And the simulated disassembly motion of parts could be controlled through the transform of pose matrix. 在3维装配环境下,用位姿矩阵表达3维装配体中零件的位置和姿态,通过位姿矩阵变换控制仿真拆卸过程中的零件运动。
Because the position and orientation errors of the robot end-effector are caused by a number of factors such as tolerance in manufacturing and assembly, mechanical transfer errors and so on, this paper analysed the errors of robot by differential method. 由于机械手的加工误差、机械传动误差等诸多因素会导致机械手末端的位置和姿态产生误差,因此本文利用微分法,对机械手的误差进行了分析。
The position and orientation errors of the robot end effector are caused by a number of factors such as tolerances in manufacturing and assembly, mechanical transfer errors and so on. 机器人连杆的加工误差、温度变化以及机械传动误差等诸多因素会导致机器人抓手的位置和姿态产生误差。
The Structure of disc group of industrial tail gas turbo-expander is introduced, detailed assembly method is used according to requirements on position accuracy of blades on disc, and assembly experience for disc group with fork type blade root is summarized. 介绍了工业尾气透平膨胀机轮盘组的结构,根据叶片在轮盘上的位置精度要求,采用具体的装配方法,总结出叉型叶根结构轮盘组的装配经验。
Winding the needle tube of working procedure is an important position in the automatic medical apparatus injector assembly line, It is major factor effecting the winding the needle tube of working procedure assembly quality in coordinating of winding needle 、 merging mould and scraping needle. 上针管工位是自动化医疗器械注射针装配线上的一个重要工位,影响上针管工位针管装配质量的重要因素在于上针、合模、刮针动作的协调一致程度。
Calculating Analysis for the Warpage and Stress of Deck Pavement at Tip Position of Assembly Simple Beam Bridge 简支梁桥梁端处桥面连续铺装层结构计算分析
The experimental result indicates that it has superior characteristics, such as high-accuracy measurement, high resolution in position and highly visualized measurement. It can be applied to the proper alignment measurement in the process of equipment assembly and repairs in a plant. 实验结果表明其测量精度高、位置分辨率高、测量直观性强,能够应用于工厂设备安装和检修中的孔-孔同轴度测量。
Inspection equipment for CA7220 car side wall assembly is used to inspect the shape, position and size of each parts of side wall welding assembly. CA7220小红旗轿车侧围总成检验设备,是用于检验侧围焊接总成各部位形状、位置、尺寸的综合检验夹具。
In whole motorcycle design, the frame and the body covers are most complicated assembly. It makes design difficult, low assembly precision, and hardly ensure relative position of parts in assembly. 在摩托车整车设计中,车架和车身覆盖件是最为复杂的总成,设计难度大,装配精度和相对位置关系难以保证。
The joint zero position deviations of joint type CMM, which result from assembly technology errors, have an enormous influence on the pose errors of probe end. 关节式坐标测量机的关节零位偏差是由装配工艺误差引起的,对测头末端的空间位姿误差影响极大。
The position of sustainable development is composed of factors of sustainable development, and the assembly of different sustainable development factors result in its feature or composition of basic position, ideal position, advantage position. 可持续发展位由可持续发展因子构成,不同的可持续发展因子集合,使得可持续发展位具有基本位、理想位、优势位等属性或组成。
Apply Pro/ ENGINEER assembly simulation technology to realize the exchange of position and movement of assembly parts; 应用Pro/ENGINEER装配仿真技术,实现了装配零件位姿和运动变换;
Welding sequence of ring welds and welding initial position play an important pole in welding distortion of base flame assembly of Excavator. Analysis and Control of Welding Distortion in Multi-Row Packed Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Bundles During Manufacturing 挖掘机焊接制造中,环焊缝的焊接顺序、焊接起始位置对焊接残余变形有重要影响。多排密集翅片管管束焊接变形的分析和控制
Meanwhile, in order to meet welding process requirements, footprint drawings are designed to determine the mutual position of welding pipes and meet the precision requirements of the welding assembly design. 同时为满足后续焊接工艺要求,系统通过绘制脚印图,确定焊接管件之间的相对位置关系,满足焊接装配的精度要求。
Using the sheet metal drawer with dedicated processing equipment to ensure that the relative errors between the processing position of the sheet is small. It reduced the accumulation of the processing errors, and also increased the whole assembly precision of the drawer. 采用抽屉板料专用加工设备保证每块板料加工位置之间的相对误差较小,同时减小了累积加工误差,也加大了抽屉整体装配精度。
As the assembly accuracy requirement of miniature parts is high and the relative position of modules, like precise measurement module and assembly operation module in the developed precise assembly system might change subtly after a period of use, the system needs to be calibrated regularly. 同时微小型零件装配要求的精度高,所研制精密装配系统中精密测量和装配作业等模块之间的相对位置工作一段时间后有可能发生微小变化,需要定期标定。
The position control performance meets the requirements of the assembly technology of the large military products through experimental verification. This platform can provide some reference for assembly of some large mechanical product. 通过实验验证了控制方法的可行性,位置控制性能可以满足该大型产品的装配技术要求,同时该工装平台对同类型大型机械产品的装配具有借鉴意义。
It points out that the effect of position precision of control point relative to foundation frame, foundation frame relative to the ground and repeated assembly on calibration precision, and bring out some improvement approach. 指出了底架相对于地面的定位精度、控制点相对于底架的定位精度和重复装配精度以及标定算法对标定精度的影响,提出了相应的改进方法。
In a sense, the location of transportation assembly center in project logistics has a strategic position in the plan and design of transportation assembly center. And it greatly influences the operation of the transportation assembly center. 从某种意义上来说,运输集结中心选址的优劣,影响着工程物流项目运输集结中心经营的成败。
The first is the legal position of owners 'assembly and owners' committee. The author proposed that it should be decided by all the owners whether establishing the owners 'assembly and owners' committee to be another organizations, and designed related provisions. 一是业主大会及业主委员会的法律地位问题,提出了应该由全体业主自主决定是否将业主大会或业主委员会设立为有民事主体资格的其他组织,并设计了配套的法律制度。
Software implementation of position detection and control system of wheelset assembly machine. 轮对压装机位置检测与控制的软件实现。
The errors of form and position are parameters for the evaluation of mechanical components. It has great influence on the performance of products and the quality of assembly, which should be measurement and controlled. 形位误差是评定机械零件的重要指标,它对产品的使用性能和装配质量有着很大的影响,在生产中要加以测量和控制。